What You Don’t Know About Credit Could Hurt You

This month, we’re diving into the world of credit – how it works, why it matters (and when it doesn’t), and how to make it work for you, not against you.

Credit reports and scores can feel complicated, but they’re simply an imperfect estimate of your ability to repay borrowed money. Lenders, like mortgage or credit card companies, use this information to decide whether to offer you a loan and at what interest rate.

Your credit history forms the basis of your credit report, and it’s not just lenders who are looking. Utility providers, potential employers, landlords, and even insurance companies may access your credit report. So, keeping your credit in good shape is important for many aspects of your life. But to do that, you’ve got to know how it actually works…

Click here for a short explainer on what goes into your credit report and how it’s used.