A down payment is the amount of money you pay up front when buying something with a loan; like a car or in this case, a home. Here’s a quick…
Author: BrightDime
PMI, or private mortgage insurance, is a type of insurance that protects the mortgage lender in the event of default or foreclosure and is usually required if you put LESS than…
Realtor. Real estate agent. Real estate broker. If you’re planning on buying a house you’ll probably hear all of these and maybe more. Trying to understand who everyone involved in…
Debt. It’s easy to build and hard to get rid of. We break down the different types, which details matter, and how to make a plan to pay off your…
When you see “Back to School” you know summer is winding down. Retailers know kids and teens will need (want) new supplies and clothes for the next school year and…
Sometimes taking a loan is necessary in order to reach your goals of going to college, owning a car or a home or running a business. Borrowing isn’t necessarily a…
A depreciating asset is any item you purchase that decreases in usefulness and value as it is used every day. Some common examples are autos, campers, boats, furniture, etc. Depreciating…
Debt-To-Income (DTI) Ratio is an important measure of risk that divides your total monthly debt payments by your monthly income. Lenders use it to determine how well you manage monthly…
Dreaming about buying a home or a car? These are large purchases compared to things you buy with your credit card and require a little more time and preparation (we…
You’ve been accepted to your favorite college or university and are ready to jump in and begin learning new things. Then you start to think about how you’ll cover the…