Asset Allocation is the mix of investments you own. Your “portfolio” of investments and the specific proportion allocated to different investments should be appropriate to your investing goals. Each investment account…
An exchange traded fund (ETF) is similar to a mutual fund. It is a professionally managed investment fund that invests in stocks, bonds, etc. Unlike mutual funds, exchange traded funds are traded…
A mutual fund is a professionally managed investment fund that invest in stocks, bonds, etc. Investors buy and sell shares in the funds directly.
Nobody wants to pay more taxes than they have to. The two most common ways to reduce what you owe are tax deductions and tax credits. Tax credits reduce your…
National Credit Card Reduction Day is March 21st, a “holiday” you probably won’t see any cards for at Hallmark. Nonetheless, we think the goal of urging people to pay down…
Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) begins with AGI (adjusted gross income) and adds back any deductions taken for foreign income and housing, student loans, self employment taxes, Individual Retirement Account…