Your credit score is a tool potential lenders use to determine how likely you are to repay borrowed money on time. So, is it important? Your credit score matters, if…
Tag: credit
If you’re working to pay off multiple debts, you’re not alone. Everyone’s situation is a little different: interest rates, outstanding balances, and just different attitudes about debt. Some people find…
Tax credits and deductions are two of the few bright spots during tax time since they reduce the amount of taxes you have to pay. Tax credits are an amount…
Credit scores, for better or worse, are an important measure of your overall financial health for most people. But since the exact formulas that calculate the scores are a secret…
Our series on home buying covers what to expect from all the major steps in the home buying process, from preparing your finances months or years ahead of time to…
This is the 1st entry in our Home Buying series. There are links to the other entries at the end of this article. Whether you’re thinking about buying your first…
This is the 2nd entry in our Home Buying series. There are links to the other entries at the end of this article. So you want to buy a house.…
This is the 3rd entry in our Home Buying series. There are links to the other entries at the end of this article. You’ve saved a down payment, your credit…
This is the 5th entry in our Home Buying series. There are links to the other entries at the end of this article. Once you’ve bought a home and moved…
The simplest way to understand what refinancing a mortgage means is just to think of it as getting a mortgage, again. You’ll rate shop for the lowest interest rate, you’ll…