Transferring the balance on your credit card to a new card with a lower (maybe even 0%) interest rate can be a big help when paying off debt if used…
Tag: Improve Credit
BrightDime’s financial coaches have expertise in a wide range of topics: budgeting, debt reduction strategies, insurance, workplace benefits, investment products, and on and on. So what is that they can…
Do you use a credit card for emergencies? You are not alone, as many of us were taught to keep a credit card, “just in case.” More than 189 million…
If you want to buy a home, a car, or rent an apartment your credit score can mean the difference between a “yes” and a “no”. And if you do…
Staying organized can be a challenging task. It seems like everything works against us to make things more complicated and harder to keep up with. But it’s worth it, just…
Your credit score is a tool potential lenders use to determine how likely you are to repay borrowed money on time. So, is it important? Your credit score matters, if…
If you’re working to pay off multiple debts, you’re not alone. Everyone’s situation is a little different: interest rates, outstanding balances, and just different attitudes about debt. Some people find…
“My coworker just bought a new car.” “My neighbor just added a new deck to their house.”“My friends eat out every day and all weekend.” Do any of these sound…
Talking about money with a partner is hard, even if things are going great everywhere else in your relationship. Don’t worry, it doesn’t mean something’s wrong. Your families might have…
Benjamin Franklin, one of our country’s founding fathers was also the author of “Poor Richard’s Almanack” back in the 1700s. He was known for including witty sayings in his writing,…