Benjamin Franklin, one of our country’s founding fathers was also the author of “Poor Richard’s Almanack” back in the 1700s. He was known for including witty sayings in his writing,…
Author: BrightDime
National Be a Millionaire Day (we can all dream, can’t we?) is celebrated in May every year. Some dream of winning the lottery even though the chances of that are…
Scams and fraud are big business for criminals who’ll try just about anything to separate you from your hard earned money. In this webinar we covered some tips and tricks…
Mark wanted guidance on the best way to aggressively pay down his student loans and had questions about consolidation and refinancing – what’s the difference and which is better? He…
These are real success stories from people we’ve worked with at BrightDime. We’ve changed the names and any identifying details, but the stories are 100% true. Sometimes it can take…
These are real success stories from people we’ve worked with at BrightDime. We’ve changed the names and any identifying details, but the stories are 100% true. Pamela’s employer had just…
April is Financial Literacy Month, which means there is no better time to ensure you understand the ins and outs of one of the most important parts of your finances,…
Stress is a natural response to the challenges we face everyday. Too much stress can cause more complicated issues related to your mental and physical health, your work, relationships, family…
The information in this video is as of 4/1/2020. Check with a BrightDime coach if you have questions about something that has changed.
Welcome to BrightDime! To learn your way around, here is a quick navigation guide. Profile: Start in the upper right hand corner, click on your name and select “Profile”. This…