It All Starts with Goals and a Plan!

To help you get your 2020 off to a great start, we’re starting a new series about “Organizing Your Financial Life”. We begin with planning and automating, asking you to think about your year ahead: any life events that may impact you financially and how you want to spend your money. Planning for these now by setting SMART goals will help you get started on any needed savings and get ahead of the game. Once you have your goals, take a look at the timing and amount of your “take home” pay and how it matches up with your monthly expenses and any new 2020 spending/saving, making adjustments as needed. Have a plan for each paycheck.  And what’s organizing without automating? Now’s a great time to set up automatic payments to make sure you always pay your bills on time and avoid any late fees (not to mention freeing up some of your time). You should also consider automating your savings to ensure you achieve your goals. For more on planning and automating, read the full article here.